Dark Matter Skin and Version 1.500.0

Mortifero completed the Dark Matter skin today, awesome look! With this skin finished, the orb’s core is also done. No one managed to find and defeat it yet, but it’s a hell of an encounter. Also, the Dark Matter zone is exactly like I wanted it to be for a long time.

With Orbs almost ready to launch on Steam I am very happy to announce the 500th version of Orbs. 500 is quite a number and it shows how much the game improved over the last 2 years. After 2 years of development from scratch a very nice game was born and is also far from being finished. There is much to do, improve and add to the game . You won’t be disappointed! Stay tuned for new exciting features.

Ongoing Steam Review, Performance, Defense Music, Website


I am beginning to let Orbs being reviewed by Valve. The first review is already done and Orbs seems to have issues with SteamOS. I think I just found the problem and will mark the next build for another review today. I also added system requirements to the store page for linux users.

Orbs’ source code passed another performance test and I was able to improve quite a lot of issues here and there. As a result the game should play even smoother than before. Orbs is about massive, quick and packed action, so that is one of the things I address regularly while adding new features to the game.

Another song has been completed and it is awesome. Defense zones will play it. Make sure to visit one of those soon 🙂

The website now has two options to download and purchase the game. The regular way by downloading it, purchasing a key through itch.io and a second one through the Steam store. There the game is expected to be released on early September.

End Game, Skins and Look Out

Still working on the end game content, polishing zones, mechanics and effects there. Looking quite nice already, but I am still not satisfied.

More and more skins are added to the game, so that upper level 3 should be fully implemented soon. Awesome!

Yesterday a friend of mine told me that her cousin is developing a game and visited a games convention earlier this year. It was a blast of an experience and they had even offers to sell their work for 100.000€. w00t! For an unfinished, not even playable game.
That made be curious and I will try to look out for local groups and conventions so that Orbs is gettig more attention.
The Steam release will rise the attention too, but getting a local fan base could be a major part of the future of Orbs! Stay tuned!