Social Manager, Agent and Referral System and Bundle Sale


I SHOW YOU Games is looking for a social and community manager.

You can have a look at the game’s official website here:

Your task is to maintain external social media sites and profiles, advertising and promoting the game to attract players and build a community. These may include indiedb, youtube, discord, facebook, wordpress, twitter, twitch, wiki,, gamejolt and steam.

This is important for the game because it is in permanent development, getting new content and lives from feedback from players and fans.

You will keep close contact to the developer and be in permanent exchange.

Your work is free of charge but you will receive a revenue share of 50% for players that refer you as their agent! A valid Paypal account is required.

You will receive a game access key that will enable you to play the game for free.

To apply or to ask any job related questions please send me an email to both of these email addresses to bypass possible spam filters: and

A new referral system has been implemented. It allows new players to refer their agent to allow them to receive a commision. So whenever you register for Orbs, you are asked to pick your agent from a list. These agents also care about the community, fans and social media sites around Orbs. This is your opportunity to thank them for their work.

In September Orbs will be part of a bundle sale by CubicGames. If you want to wait for a great offer to purchase Orbs together with other games, this might be your chance. I SHOW YOU Games will keep you informed about the process.

I SHOW YOU on Discord

It is time for Discord. I SHOW YOU was born at times where IRC was the one and only chat system out there. We built up our community, players, members and organisation there. But these days, technology improved, IRC did not. I had a look at discord and I like it. Needless to say, there is a I SHOW YOU server now:
Come visit, talk and some a great time with us, everyone is welcome. You can also learn more about Orbs there.

Dark Matter Skin and Version 1.500.0

Mortifero completed the Dark Matter skin today, awesome look! With this skin finished, the orb’s core is also done. No one managed to find and defeat it yet, but it’s a hell of an encounter. Also, the Dark Matter zone is exactly like I wanted it to be for a long time.

With Orbs almost ready to launch on Steam I am very happy to announce the 500th version of Orbs. 500 is quite a number and it shows how much the game improved over the last 2 years. After 2 years of development from scratch a very nice game was born and is also far from being finished. There is much to do, improve and add to the game . You won’t be disappointed! Stay tuned for new exciting features.